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We now host our videos on YouTube. The Channel is here

Day of Days
Torgau 1945-The Counter Attack
Rzhev 1942 - The Meat Grinder
Ranger Training Event

OK People, some people have E-mailed me saying, "your downloads don't work". Well I ask, "Did you right-click and save-as?" and they say, "No".
Well, try right-click and save as, because if you just click on it, your web browser might try and load it instead of download to your PC.

* POW movie
Here is a movie from the an event, were a German was captured.

* WWII Airsoft Promo
This is a recap of the weekend of combat.

* Battle of the Bulge
This is a movie from the Battle of the Bulge event, at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. Its not airsoft, buts its still cool. 3 members of WW2AA were there.

* 4-3-05 battle
This is a recap of the 4-3-05 event with just the WWII guys.

* battle 26 june 2005
This is footage of the 26 June 2005 event. It is of only 1 battle that took place that day. I was armed with only my camera and a .45 pistol!

* M1 Garand movie
This is a short clip of the Garand being fired.

* 8th July 2006 Battle
This is footage of the 8th July 2006 event. It is of only 1 battle that was fought that day.

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